Demo launch on DeepSea Salvagers

The game DeepSea Salvagers is made with the intent of participating in the NeuraNode game jam of 2025

This is the demo version of a game which is supposed to make use of the Avalanche network by giving players NFTs and having them be able to trade away or sell them off. The NFTs are going to play key roles in gameplay to make the player go on longer expeditions and defend themselves from the dangers lurking around.

I did stumble upon a huge brick during the integration of Avalanche, so I didn't get to properly attach it in this demo for the game jam. So what this version strives to achieve, is to show the gameplay mechanic on a basic premises. Once I get the Avalanche aspect up and running, I'll add some of the missing gameplay components and publish it as a more refined version.

There are still a couple of bugs in this version, but I managed to fix some of the bugs that made their way to the browser-playable version. Right now, the skins don't actually get applied in the browser version, but in a windows executable version I tested it on, it did, so I'll be trying to figure out what's missing/skipping in the code's lines.

If you want to follow along the process, as I try to unfold this project further, consider following my page.

I also have another game in the making called Churning Caves. It's quite different, but I hope you'll have a go at it and try it out, as I intend to continue working on that game after touching up on this one.

(Cover image is AI generated, but everything inside the game is made 99% by myself, so please excuse the bad art, as I am still undergoing the learning process of making pixel art. The remaining 1% is a font called Kenney Future Narrow, made by Kenney)


DeepSea Play in browser
1 day ago

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